"The Single Most Transformational Course Existing in Art History Today"

Interestingly, these days most courses for artists tend to focus on digital marketing sales, a straightforward survey of art historical movements, styles, or sometimes technique. Perhaps on a strategic approach for getting the proper angle, perspective, or depth of field on a landscape or subject matter of choice. Few courses in our present day, however, offer any guidance for an artist on what to think or how to intellectually interpret the dynamic currents and visual context of the modern society in which we live.

After all, most remain understandably perplexed that there is no one reliable way to make sense of the enigmatic state of our museums, the objects that populate our contemporary art fairs, and modern galleries with any genuine meaning behind the hundreds of millions of dollars spent by collectors on artworks every year.

But this difficulty of the artist and viewer to see art as a relevant lens and vision through which to understand the meaning of our everyday world is precisely what makes the Post Modern crisis in which we are living through all the more critical to solve before it is too late. Because - unless human creativity is the expression of a mind in touch with the historical issues and informed with a deep understanding of the challenges of their present day - then any such practice is an isolated act of experience that is akin to child’s splay and unable to advance the crisis of our humanity to its next stage of higher self. And where there is no advancement, there is only decay.

Now is Your Time At Last To Move Forward Into the Present

So, together we can begin this journey of one thousand intellectual traps & dilemmas with the taking of a single step out of the needless confusion and grand labyrinthine narrative of the past with this introductory survey of Post-modern Academy

in 2023


Post Modern Academy



JOIN US THEN for the End of Post Modernism and where at the academy of its namesake we will in real life strive to usher in the beginning of a bold new era. Where through access to great art with a series of scholarly and focused visual presentations - including the key time periods and their historical significance – as an artist and educator not only will you better understand the past but will be able to master and engage with the most pressing concepts or our contemporary day. Where you will become familiar with problems that are not even taught yet in the finest universities in Europe or Art schools in America and you will come to know ideas that go beyond the representative aspects of formal aesthetic technique. Indeed, here at Post Modern Academy - as a fellow artist and thinking-creator - you will contemplate being able to discover and share in the excitement of our search for a solution to the actual magnitude of the challenges that are at the core of the present-day world’s religious superstructure, the material and fundamental base of our economic system, our technological crisis, and cultural way of life.

And so, should you choose to belong to a tribe of daring creative individuals, you will be embarking on a singularly brave journey. One not unlike the greatest artistic masters and geniuses of the past; the giants of the story of art who created their own salons and struggled with vexing formal and spiritual problems in parallel to the science of their day – and if you are accepted and you are committed to your growth - upon finishing, you will possess a shared key to a timeless secret knowledge: In the same way as the great artists of the past were inspired to work for posterity and with the excitement of knowing that it is now your duty, destiny, and obligation to presently lend your voice to the ongoing challenges of art and its responsibility to illuminate the path for the human soul in modern society.

But this school of thought is not for everybody, of course. Nor for those who may think being an artist is mostly easy or a matter of choice. Rather if you are a creative individual, interested in your cultural legacy and have ever felt the loneliness and pain, the daunting conundrum of the problem of modern art, or suffered with anger the loss of personal direction and confusion with which our civilization has turned their backs on the need to value or appreciate the creative mind and artistic profession – now you will no longer be alone.

If you are a painter, a poet, educator, a writer, a filmmaker, sculptor, or inspired human being who feels a calling and is interested in exploring art theory and criticism as a mode of being and looking glass to more cogently bring out your dreams and ambitions for creating a better world and society, then we welcome you to our date with history. As you enter this zone of creativity and imagination, you will not find a group more in tune with the profound times in which we live anywhere else.

Post Modern Academy

5 Union Square West
Suite # 1382
New York, NY 10003,
info@postmodernacademy.com ,

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      Post Modern Academy

      Art Transforming The Sublime

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